Tuesday, May 13, 2014

6wks and cue the nausea!

We are 6 wks today.  After a bit of a roller coaster with the hospital, we finally have an u/s appt set up!  I have permission to deliver at Naval but some turd had a superiority complex and wanted to verify over and over if I was 'eligible' since I was a surrogate and they wanted to know who was footing this bill.  This guy is merely the person who makes the appointments for the OB department and I only need ONE appt there because my PCM will continue care after this one ultrasound that the RE requires... Needless to say, the person in charge of OIC billing gave me the approval and has our contract on file and she went ahead and called the OB turd and got the wheels spinning!  We now have an appt set up for Monday at 1150 for dating!  So excited!!  Only M can make this trip due to S's work obligations but that's okay-- many more appointments for him to come to and he will be able to see a photo of his baby growing!

This morning I experienced my first bout of nausea.  I am COMPLETELY convinced that sleep quality directly impacts intensity of morning sickness.  Too bad its not MORNING sickness for me but instead, all day sickness.  I woke up feeling shaky, dizzy and flat out nauseous but that didn't stop at morning, it continued... ALL day.  Add to that, sweating like I am having hot flashes in menopause and I was miserable.  It was because Piper was up many times lastnight for extended periods.  My sleep quality was nil and I totally felt it today!

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