Ever wonder what it feels like to have a period post failed cycle or post D&C? Like an African tribal dancer dancing around in your intestines with a machete. It's down right miserable. I have never had periods this bad in my life. Some days I feel like 'Today I am either going to bleed to death or I am going to require a transfusion'. Tomorrow is going to work even less in my favor. Gravity sucks and I am running 7 miles. Must wear black pants. I learned that last month with my khaki short fiasco at Sam's Club. Mortifying.
But with all of this complaining, I have a silver lining. Today is CD2. You know what that means? Estrogen started today and we get to climb back in the old surrogacy saddle and give it another go! Estrogen means headaches, but that's okay. This month is hectic with a trip to Maine, followed by some rather strict working things with Kurt which means childcare will be a beast when its time for transfer. I am a woman. I am resourceful and resilient and I will figure this out. I always do.
I am still waiting for a follow call from the RE to find out when the tentative transfer date will be and also if I am allowed to run my half marathon in September!! I am thinking transfer will be around August 25-27.
I am ready to get this started. Looks like I need to go peruse Amazon and the internet for some Pregnancy tests. I only have a few left out of my hundred I had. Not nearly enough for the level of obsession that surrogates deal with!
Onward and upward... I am so happy the sun is finally shining here after weeks of rain.
Fingers and toes crossed for you all with this cycle!! Looking forward to hearing about more sunny days. :)